Being Sick isㅤHealthy

• Can heal any disease in just 5 seconds😱😱(no cap)
• Affordable
ㅤ• Never expired (u may give it to ur great-grandkids but unfortunately u cant cuz u single pringle😉)ㅤ
• More

Other than be able to cure diseases, Pandaol will give u abilities to do many things

U can lift an aeroplane with just one hand😱
u can eat many foods without having to be fat
U will not be single anymoreee😍😍
Be able to run 100km/h (no worries u can control it)

hol up right there...before u buy this efficient madison, there is a few

Side Effects

but dont worry it wont effect ur life i swear :)

• u will lose both ur legsㅤ • got HIV, dengue, AIDS and diabetes
• U will also get covid 19ㅤ • u become deaf
• insomniaㅤ • urge to suicide
• brain cancer(idk how u will get it when u dont even have a brain)
• tongue got divided to 5ㅤ • possibility to become insane
• u will also get TBㅤ • obese
• got kissed by sajadㅤ • mickey and minnie will shoot u
• 10 robbers rob u at the same timeㅤ • accidents 5 times perday
• and ur grammar will become just like mine :))

Phew thats just ⅓, but u can know the other ⅔ after u bought swallow the med though ;)


Monke bin Atang

Pandaol Founder

A very bad programmer. NOT good at programming and coding. Born a monke. Married to a monke. From Malaysia. A successful businessperson. Love to eat food, anime, ride motorcycle and you...


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